
A prism with a base area of 5 ft² and a height of 10 ft is dilated by a factor of 6/5 . What is the volume of the dilated prism? Enter your answer, as a decimal, in the box.

Accepted Solution

First, you must find the original volume of the prism by applying the following formula:


 V1 is the original volume of the prism.
 H is the height of the prism (H=10 ft).
 B is the base are of the prism (B=5 ft2)

 So, the original volume is:

 V1=(10 ft)(5 ft2)
 V1=50 ft2

 When the prism is dilated by a factor of 6/5, its volume is: 

 V2=(50 ft³)*(6/5)^3
 V2= 86.4 ft³ 

 What is the volume of the dilated prism?

 The answer is:  86.4 ft³